Sometimes blogger
I’ve decided I want to bring the blog back!
I’ve always loved journaling and sharing things I love but have always felt held back for fear of not being “blogger” material.
The hardest thing about putting myself out there is what am I going to say. There seems to always be someone out there with a different opinion on what you have to say. I am a confident person but I don’t have the thickest skin.
I spent the last year really discovering who I am and trying to live my most unapologetic self. Learning to understand my body through what I put in it, how to take care of it and move it daily. I am learning how to not only physically take care of my self but mentally.
That’s why I am a sometimes blogger/painter. Sometimes it feels so good to put my voice and skills out there but often times anxiety gets the best of me and when life needs me more than work I pull back here first.
I have always wanted to be a Mom and as my kids grow I can see how quickly this time in my life with little kids is passing by, Work, blogging, painting, and figuring out what I want to do will always be there but these little babies to snuggle and raise will grow way too soon. They always come first.
I have this big voice inside of me that I often keep quiet. Those that know me know that I love deep conversations with those I love. I love a smaller group of really good friends yet I love to throw big dance parties. Getting to know myself has also brought attention to my insecurities. The what if I get comments I won’t like? What if people don’t like what I have to say, what I paint or what I want to do next besides painting? Working on myself is working through those emotions and learning that not everyone will love you and that’s okay.
Things we make up in our head that hold us back for not fitting into a social norm but what i’ve found is the average blogger isn’t the social norm! I want to share things I love in our 1300 square foot home. I’m no where near a fashion icon but I am a Mom of three who loves good deals, high end jeans, and a good pair of leggings.
Some interests of mine include little bit of skin care, make up, clothes, home items and some motivational speaking!
Here is the only picture I can find of myself at Alt last year. Don’t expect a lot of pictures because homie don’t play that.